Cost per Lead


Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate Increase

TGP Lawn Care PPC Ads

TGP Lawn Care is renowned for its dedication to creating lush, vibrant outdoor spaces.

Ad Spend 5,332.84

Impressions 8,163

Cost Per Click $17.90

Conversion Rate 6.71%

Cost per Conversion $266.64

Lone Star Property Services PPC Ads

Lone Star Property Services located, servicing Bryan and College Station, TX, specializes in irrigation, landscaping, fencing and lawn care for residential homes and commercial properties.

Ad Spend -28.69%

Impressions +3991.43%

Conversions +1568%

Phone Calls +2900%

Irrigation PPC Ads

At the forefront of irrigation innovation, this company has cemented its reputation as a leader in providing state-of-the-art irrigation solutions

Cost Per Click 13.76%

Cost per Conversion -14.23%

Conversions +212%

Phone Calls +156%

Foundation Repair PPC Ads

Nestled in the heart of East Tennessee, this family-owned foundation repair business has distinguished itself in a sector often marred by unreliability.

Cost Per Click -8.27%

Conversion Rate -28.03%

Conversions +442%

Phone Calls +256%

TX Patio and Fence PPC Ads

A small town auto repair shop needed a new website and more leads. YellowFin Digital created a new, high conversion website and a fully optimized PPC ads

Clicks +436.36

Cost per Conversion -12.75%

Conversions +900%

Phone Calls +220%

Tim Leeper Roofing PPC Ads

A small town auto repair shop needed a new website and more leads. YellowFin Digital created a new, high conversion website and a fully optimized PPC ads

Cost Per Click -18.26%

Cost per Conversion -80.2%

Conversions +842%

Phone Calls +1224%

Flip Flop Handyman PPC Ads

Just like every service based business, Flip Flop Handyman was too busy doing the work to focus on growing their business. Their new business was growing via word of mouth, but they wanted faster growth.

Ad Spend $1152

Impressions 3,147

Clicks 159

Cost Per Click $9.64

Conversion Rate 38%

Call and Form Volume 103

Plumbing Company PPC Ads

A plumbing company uses a strong ROI from digital ads to grow the business.

Ad Spend -10.68%

Cost Per Click -23.16%

Conversions +380

Phone Calls +261%

About TGP Lawn Care

TGP Lawn Care is renowned for its dedication to creating lush, vibrant outdoor spaces. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for transforming landscapes, TGP Lawn Care has become a trusted name in the industry. Their team of skilled professionals brings years of experience to every project, ensuring meticulous attention to detail and a level of care that sets them apart. From lawn maintenance to landscape design, TGP Lawn Care offers a comprehensive range of services, all designed to enhance the beauty and functionality of outdoor areas. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, they prioritize open communication and personalized solutions to meet each client’s unique needs.

The Challenge

The challenge that TGP Lawn Care faced was twofold. First, despite their well-earned reputation for creating lush and vibrant outdoor spaces, they needed to expand their reach and attract a broader audience of potential customers. Second, in an industry where competition is fierce, they needed a reliable way to stand out and ensure that their commitment to excellence and personalized service was effectively communicated to their target market.

The Solutions

YellowFin Digital created a high-converting landing page  with well-defined CTAs. Tailoring our expertise to the specific needs of TGP Lawn Care, we designed the landing page strategically. The page showcased a clean and professional appearance while prominently featuring clear, compelling Calls to Action (CTAs). This customized approach transforms the landing page into a potent tool, attracting potential customers and driving engagement, ultimately contributing to TGP Lawn Care’s online success. The implementation of PPC ads further amplified their online reach, ultimately contributing to TGP Lawn Care’s success in a competitive market.

The Result

YellowFin Digital’s precision-targeted PPC campaign for TGP Lawn Care harvested remarkable results. By optimizing ad spend, we not only cultivated a dramatic 72% reduction in cost per lead but also sowed an impressive 22% conversion rate—an increase of 200% from previous campaigns. This strategic growth didn’t just generate leads; it cultivated a thriving customer base, proving the true potential of our meticulously tailored approach in the fertile digital landscape. With a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of just $47, the campaign’s efficiency was undeniable, affirming the effectiveness of our PPC methods in nurturing real, measurable success for TGP Lawn Care.

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